Montpelier Roxbury Public Schools
MRPS is made up of three schools located in Montpelier, Vermont. Our schools are caring, creative, and equitable communities that ensure all children grow into engaged citizens and life-long learners.
contact information
The District Office is located within Montpelier High School
5 High School Drive, Unit 1
Montpelier, VT 05602
District Office: (802)223-9796
Coffee & Chat Mornings
Every month, Superintendent of Schools, Libby Bonesteel, will be enjoying a cup of coffee in both Montpelier (at Capitol Grounds) and Roxbury (at the Town Hall). She would love it if you would stop by and chat! Got a question about the school district? Just want to stop and get to know Libby a little better? Interested in where she sees the district going in the next few years? Concerned with the school budget and its influence on property taxes? Let’s talk!
How to find Libby: If the weather is nice and there is an available table, she’ll be sitting outside. If she’s inside, she’ll have some MRPS gear around her.
February Chats
Thursday, 2/20 at 9:00 am at Roxbury Town Hall
Friday, 2/21 at 8:30 am at Montpelier Capitol Grounds
March Chats
Thursday, 3/20 at 8:30 am at Roxbury Town Hall
Friday, 3/21 at 8:30 am at Montpelier Capitol Grounds
Unanticipated school closures, school delays, and emergencies are communicated to caregivers via phone and/or email. Please sign into your PowerSchool Parent Account to ensure your contact information is up to date.
Please read the district section in your school newsletter each week for updates from the district!
Please also check out our Videos and Podcasts!
FERPA: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
PPRA: Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment
Rights of Parents of Students with Disabilities
Montpelier Roxbury School District is required by Federal law to locate, identify and evaluate any child ages 3 and up who may require special education and related services in order to access and benefit from public education
Equity: Vermont’s Agency of Education (AOE) requires school districts to report to the public equity outcomes
Title I, Part A - Improving Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged
Review Policies F12: Title I, Part A Parental Involvement and and G04: Title I Comparability on our school board webpage
Learn more about the MRPS Caregiver Council and school specific Caregiver Councils on our Caregiver Council webpage.
Jessica Murray
Title IX Coordinator