Garrett Pembroke ~ Cody Chevrolet & Fontaine's Forestry and Millworks

Both CBL experiences taught me valuable lessons that saved me time at the early stages of my work career.  My first experience was at Cody Chevrolet shadowing an automotive technician. Growing up, I always thought I wanted to be a car mechanic and this CBL was my first opportunity to seek what my day to day job would look like working in a garage. It turns out that I couldn't see myself being cooped up inside underneath cars all day long. I wanted to be outside, in nature where I'm most passionate and comfortable. I've learned that if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life, and I'm thankful that's where my second CBL experience led me- to an occupation that makes me want to go to work.  I interned at Fontaine's Forestry and Millworks, where I learned what it was like to be a sawyer and millhand.  After the first few visits, I grew to love this line of work. Milling custom beam houses, going out onto woodlots to handfell trees, skid logs and running heavy machinery were all things I could see myself doing all week long.  There's something about being out in the woods that I've always enjoyed. After my CBL experience, I continued to work at Fontaine's every summer in both high school and college. I studied forestry at Paul Smith's College and received an associates degree as a Forest Technician. While I might not be doing this as a full- time job yet, that continues to be my end goal and in the meantime, I use these lessons and skills through my small business where I am an avid woodsman and sugar maker.

2015Anna Hipko2015